About Lesson
- Activity 4.1
- Worksheet on President Wilson’s 14 Points for Peace
- Activity 4.2
- Expert Group Assignment
- Home Group Assignment (may also be considered a summative assessment)
Summative Assessment: Persuasive Letter to President Wilson
- Use the Lesson 3: Immigrant Experiences of Korean Americans: The Sammy Lee Story (Summative Assessment) presentation to support this assessment.
- Note: This may be treated as a full writing process activity. If so, follow the outline under Lesson 3 Assessments.
Introduce the Assignment
- Have students reflect on what they have learned by having them take the persona of a Korean living in the U.S. in 1919 and compose a letter to President Wilson encouraging the U.S. to support the Korean Independence Movement. This may be done as an informal or formal writing activity. Distribute the How to Write a Formal Letter Handout if students need the information.
Writing Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Imagine you are a Korean schoolgirl who participated in the independence movement in 1919. Compose a letter to President Wilson, asking the U.S. to take a position in favor of Korean Independence.
- Some arguments or points you should connect to in your letter:
- The Fourteen Points Speech
- The devastation of WW1
- Global advocacy and organization for Korean Independence by Koreans living in the United States, Korea, China, Russia, and Mexico
- Japan’s colonization of Korea and violation of principles of the Fourteen Points
- Handout: Persuasive Letter Directions and Scoring Rubric
Persuasive Letter Directions and Scoring Rubric (PDF)
Persuasive Letter Scoring Rubric (PNG) (image only)