About Lesson
- Activity 3.1
- Quick-Writes
- Use of Venn Diagram
- Activity 3.2
- Think-Pair-Share
- Analyzing a Biographical Text
- Double-sided Timeline
Summative Assessment: Comparison/Contrast Essay This Summative Assessment builds on what was learned in both Activities and involved students in the Writing Process. Activity 3.1 Quick-Writes and Venn Diagram are treated as prewriting activities.
- To support these activities, use the Lesson 3 Presentation.
Students Prewrite
- Have students locate and review their Quick-Writes responses and Venn Diagram from Activity 3.1.
Students Plan & Outline
- Distribute and review the Comparison/Contrast Essay Directions and Scoring Rubric.
- Post the writing prompt and give students time to plan and outline their essay.
- WRITING PROMPT: Using your Activity 3.1 Quick-Writes and Venn Diagram as prewriting activities, compose a 5-paragraph essay in which you compare and contrast the experiences of Sammy Lee and another immigrant of your choice as they relate to immigration laws and status.
- Approve outlines before students advance to writing their first draft.
Students Compose First Draft
- Allocate sufficient time for students to compose their first draft.
Students Review and Revise
- Provide students with feedback through the following strategies:
- Writer Workshop – students sign up for 10-minute conferences with the teacher to get assistance.
- Peer Review – in pairs or small groups, students read each other’s drafts and provide feedback using the Example Format and/or Scoring Rubric.
Students Edit and Publish
- Allow students time to edit their essays and finalize for submission.
- Handout: Comparison/Contrast Essay Directions and Scoring Rubric (Word/PDF)
Comparison/Contrast Essay Graphic Organizer (PDF)
Comparison/Contrast Essay Directions and Scoring Rubric (PDF)